Normally when you look up at a fan towards the ceiling, the fan blades rotate in an anticlockwise dirction. It pushes the air downwards and cools us down. How? When the air blows on our skin, it takes away the heat on evaporation of the perspiration.
But the fans in US have switch on the sides of the head. If it is switched on, the blades rotate in a clocwise (reverse) direction. It’s used during winter. Why?
Cold air is denser. Therefore it stays near the floor. Hot air rises up. It stays up near the ceiling. Heaters are normally placed at the bottom. Since hot air takes a long time to come down, it takes a long time for the thermostat to stop the heater from working. The electricity bill will also go up.
When the fan blades rotate in reverse, the air does not touch our skin and therefore does not cool us down. But mixes the hot air and the cold air uniformly. The air touches the sides of the wall and comes down. Then comes to the centre of the room and rises up. Convection currents are caused.
Works well for rooms with a height of 9 feet. If the ceiling is higher than this, or when the space between ceiling and the fan is more than 1.5 feet or when the room is large (> 11*11*11) or there are openings such as the staircase, use the fan as you normally would.
A blanket called ‘comfort’ (with a thin layer of foam inside) or woollen blankets are used to cover oneself while sleeping.
If one’s nose starts to bleed, use saline spray (< $2) and increase humidity inside the house. Make sure nose and throat are never dry. Said, not to scare you off, but just to make sure you are healthy‼ And this does not happen to everyone. You can place tubs with water in the corners of the room. Hygrometer ( $7) should show a humidity of 30%-50%
During the fall season, pollen grains may increase in the air and chance of getting viral flu fever is very high. You can take preventive flu shots for $20 in pharmacy.
Practising yoga in the morning and in the evening, especially ‘kapalapathy’ will keep the body warm.
You can check at when the 'cold front' will reach your town. Stay indoors for days during that time.
It is pleasant to go out between 12 noon and 4pm. Do not be lazy to follow the dress code, inners, hoodies, gloves etc.
If there’s snow in front of the house, better clean it. For if the post man skids and falls in front of your steps, medical expenses are to be borne by the resident.
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